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    construction waste recycling

    In a world of finite resources, it’s difficult to understand how we can keep producing the materials required to build new constructions to sustain a growing population.

    At the rate we are progressing, one day we will run out of the precious metals and other materials needed by the building sector. This is just one reason why we ought to take waste reduction and recycling seriously.

    The building sector is one of the largest contributors of waste to Australia’s landfills, so if we want to work towards a sustainable future and a greener world, we need to address the problem sooner rather than later. If we want to minimise our dependency on landfills, we must first understand how construction waste recycling and sustainability works.

    Fortunately, the benefits of reducing your waste materials don’t stop at a healthier environment – there are also plenty of business advantages, such as saved time and minimised expenditure.

    At Allmetro Bins, we take our duty to recycle seriously, and in this article, we’re going to tell you how you can generate less construction and demolition waste and manage it responsibly.

    What Construction Waste Can You Recycle?

    To manage construction waste responsibly, you first need to know what materials are recyclable. Almost all materials used by the building sector are recyclable, including:

    • Cardboard
    • Metal (both non-ferrous and ferrous)
    • Plastic
    • Paper
    • Concrete
    • Wood (provided it isn’t painted or stained)
    • Drywall
    • Gravel
    • Window glass
    • Asphalt roofing
    • Carpets

    If possible, you should try and buy recycled versions of the above materials to increase the demand for recycling in general. If you’re demolishing a building, you should try to salvage as much as possible so that other industries can capitalise on construction waste and become more environmentally friendly in the process.

    How Can You Include Construction Waste Recycling in the Pre-Planning Stages?

    It’s wise to make a plan from the offset that takes construction waste recycling into account. Of course, it’s crucial to recycle construction materials wherever possible, but it’s better to eliminate the need to recycle to minimise the amount of waste you produce. Follow these steps before construction begins, and you will reduce the volume of junk generated.

    • Do your best only to order the building materials you require. Avoiding having excess materials reduces the chances of them being thrown into a landfill needlessly.
    • Encourage your suppliers to stop using too much packaging unnecessarily. Alternatively, ask them to provide recyclable packaging that you can salvage after unpacking your building materials.
    • If possible, find out whether your resource providers are willing to buy back unused resources (doing so can be beneficial for both you and the suppliers).
    • Store all materials responsibly so that nothing sustains damage.
    • Estimate the amount of junk your project is likely to produce and the cost of removing it. Consider multiple methods of trash disposal to make a cost-effective plan.

    Some people believe it’s better to be left with too much than to have too little, but such an outlook can result in more waste being generated than necessary.

    Try to find suppliers that can make the same or next day deliveries in case you find yourself short, but avoid ordering more resources than you think you need.

    Purchase Sustainable Materials

    Not only should construction and demolition recycling be a priority on your construction site but you should also think about purchasing sustainable materials from the get go. It goes without saying that sustainable materials are better for the environment than their non-sustainable counterparts.

    Where possible, try to buy timber that comes from a renewable source, and use concrete made from recycled aggregate and steel that has been recycled.

    Your choice of materials can help you reduce waste not only in your immediate project, but also in the long run.

    Many types of materials can be safely and efficiently reused in future projects, which further helps you reduce your environmental impact.

    As Master Builders WA noted, a wide variety of materials can be reused, including:

    • Metal roof sheeting
    • Bricks
    • Surplus soil and sand
    • Windows
    • Door frames
    • Roof tiles
    • Plasterboard
    • Paints

    How Can You Perform Onsite Construction Waste Recycling?

    Naturally, you need a way to effectively manage construction waste generation, and there are lots of things you can do to ensure everybody sticks to the plan and disposes of waste safely and responsibly.

    Keep these tips in mind, and your construction firm will soon be significantly greener:

    • Organise your construction waste receptacles into three categories: recyclable, reusable, and trash.
    • If keeping all the different materials separate isn’t feasible, at least try to ensure all recyclable construction waste ends up in the same receptacle, though sorting it before it’s collected can help you reduce costs.
    • Try to salvage as many non-recyclable items, such as doors and windows, as you can when remodeling or demolishing a building for use in future constructions.
    • Don’t dispose of leftover materials that no longer have a use in your current project – they may come in handy later.
    • Save excess insulation for wall cavities and attics in future constructions.
    • Transform any clipped trees and branches removed from your site into landscaping mulch.
    • Try and limit your use of laminates, adhesives, and other finishes that prevent materials from being recyclable.
    • Bear in mind that temporary support systems, often get discarded following a project, so consider alternative options when applicable.

    How Can Allmetro Bins Help You With Your Leftover Construction Waste?

    By familiarising yourself with the tips detailed in the previous sections, you can help minimise our dependency on toxic landfills as well as cut your costs in the process. However, regardless of how well you manage waste, you will be left with a large volume of construction waste after completing your project.

    Fortunately, this is when construction waste recycling and waste management becomes simple because you don’t need to take responsibility if you place your trust in our professionals instead.

    At Allmetro Bins, we deliver skips of various sizes to construction yards for them to keep for as long as required.

    When you hire a skip bin in Perth from Allmetro Bins, you can rest assured that we’ll dispose of its contents as cleanly and safely as possible. We are fully committed to doing all we can to preserve Perth’s natural beauty for future generations.

    Contact us today to learn more about skip bin hire in Perth.

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